June 01, 2007

Lines #16

For shame! Nearly a year (!) since the Lines train made a stop ... but here it comes now, slow and easy. Yes, easy. We're just sitting here waitin' for the train to come, 'swhat we're doing ... All right now?


Understand this first of all,
If the colours were all bananas,
You wouldn't be able to make a rainbow.

If we can't become one,
There won't be any people
To fight injustice.
And then don't say we lost because we were weak.

This star ...


Previous: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 (also bananas), #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15.


Transmogrifier said...

Thats from Swades - "Yeh Tara Woh Tara"

Anonymous said...

If we can't become one,
There won't be any people
To fight injustice.
And then don't say we lost because we were weak.

Gurjar vs Meena. OBCs vs Dalits. Everyone vs everyone else.

Apt lines for today.


Anonymous said...

isn't it "rang hote akele..." instead of "rang hote kele".

"if colours were alone", instead of "if colours were bananas". should it not be so?

Pankaj Sethi said...

Someone seems to have taken the bait Dilip!

Here are some more "banana" splits:

O banana, banana
Where art thou goin'?
Take me along
Wherever thou art goin'..

Banana banana!

I am banana(s?)
Come on over
Wherever you are.
Where should I call for you?
Where are you?

Walk a banana
Walk a banana
Walk a banana
Your fair is left behind o traveller
Walk a banana

(will "Your companions are left behind o traveller" be more accurate?")


km said...

Of all the people, YOU should be "re-writing" that lovely song into this? :))

Dilip D'Souza said...

Sorry for the late response, people!

Indeed, Pankaj, apt lines for today. When I hear them, I always hope somebody's listening. One can hope.

sbrk, as Pankaj says, you took the bait! Just a little joke. You're right, of course. But I still like the banana splits, some choice examples offered by Pankaj too...