- "In business as in nature, there seems to be a law that things slow down as they get bigger. ... [Yet] to the increasing astonishment of competitors and bankers, XYZ's revenues have grown at the rate of 460 per cent per annum for the last 7 years. ...
By [industry] standards, XYZ's current Rs A per annum sales turnover is still small, but wait, their projection [for 5 years from now] is Rs [a number that's over 10x A] -- a projected growth rate of almost 200 per cent per annum for the next 5 years, and neither their bankers [nor] their customers [can] see why their fast growth should not continue for a few more years. ...
[Q]uality control and sales target achievement was easy -- and in the first year itself [one of XYZ's factories] gained for itself a reputation for quality and profitability. ...
Setting up [new] units in [a particular Indian state] had a few initial problems but [the owners] with their ability to turn problems into opportunity seemed to have discovered infinite opportunities in [that state] for industrial activity. ...
Capitalising on [all this, the owners] are also putting up a major housing construction project, building holiday homes all over the country."
Dilip, I have no idea about this but would certainly like to know the answer :)
My only guess would be the British East India Company pre-1857.
Come'on Dilip post the answer is it really the East India Company?
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