August 29, 2008


"The American promise is also that the market should reward drive and innovation and reward growth, but businesses should create American jobs ...

... Government cannot solve all our problems, but it must invest in new roads, in science, in technology ...

... It should ensure opportunity, not just for those with most money, but for every American who is willing to work. ...

... We are responsible for ourselves, but we rise and fall together. I am my brother's keeper, my sister's keeper. ...

... I will cut taxes for 95% of all working families. The last thing we need is to raise taxes on the middle class. ...

... For the sake of our economy and security, in ten years, we will end our dependence on oil from the Middle East. ...

... I will spend 150 billion dollars in the search for affordable, renewable sources of energy, creating 5 million new jobs that pay well and cannot be outsourced. ...

... Now is the time to meet our moral obligations as Americans, by giving every child a chance at a world class education. Michelle and I are where we are today because we had that chance. I won't settle for an America where some kids don't have that chance ...

... Young Americans, if you commit to serving your community, we will make sure you can afford a college education. ...

... Government programmes alone can't replace parents. Government can't turn off television and make a child do homework. Fathers must take more responsibility to provide love and guidance to their children. ...

... I call for a timeframe for withdrawing our troops from Iraq. ...

... You don't defeat a terrorist network by talking tough and straining our alliances. ...

... We are the party of Roosevelt, of Kennedy. Don't tell me that Democrats won't defend this country, that we won't keep America safe. ...

... I will end this war in Iraq responsibly. ...

... We have to change in our politics the idea that people cannot disagree without challenging each others' patriotism. Patriotism has no party. I love this country and so do you and so does John McCain. Our men in uniform have not served a red America or a blue America, they have served the United States of America. ...

... I've got news for you John McCain, we all put our country first. ...

... It's the promise of democracy that we can find the grace to bridge divides and find common purpose. ...

... It is that promise that 45 yrs ago today brought Americans from every corner of this land to Washington to hear a young preacher from Georgia speak of his dream. They could have heard words of anger and discord. But what they heard instead was that in America, our destiny is linked. Together, our dreams can be one. We cannot walk alone. We shall always march ahead."


Those were a few of the things Barack Obama said at the Democratic Party convention in Denver, August 28.

1 comment:

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Those are just about the lines that caught my attention - and imagination - when they telecast pretty near the entire speech on NDTV News this morning.
