February 24, 2009

Point zero zero

Last week, I got a bill from a corporate entity that sends me one every month. The amount due, for no reason I can figure out, is Rs 0.00. (Zero rupees and zero paise).

The due date is March 3 2009.

The "Amount Due Before Due Date" is, as I would expect, Rs 0.00. (Zero rupees and zero paise).

The "Amount Due After Due Date" is Rs 112.36 (One hundred twelve rupees and thirty-six paise).

I have two questions.

* What happens if I sit back and don't pay the amount due, Rs 0.00, before March 3? Will someone come after me to extract Rs 112.36 from me because I didn't pay nothing?

* What happens if I get off my butt and pay the amount due, Rs 0.00, before March 3? Will someone come after me to extract Rs 112.36 from me because I did pay nothing?

As you can tell, I am faced with an acute dilemma. All said and done, I'm inclined towards sending in a cheque for Rs 0.00. Better, I suspect, to pay nothing than not to pay nothing.

Still, any advice will be gratefully accepted.


Anonymous said...

whereof one cannot pay thereof one must insolvent.

Anonymous said...

Dilip ji ....Can I hv ur phone number and personal email id plz...

i need ur help to work on pardhi's...

Naveen (MP)

Anonymous said...

You could start by sending a cheque for 1/- rupee,so that you have a credit in your account.

After that they would refund you Indian Rupees 111.36 paise.

You can then give me half of that, which is Rs. 5377.89 paise.

Anonymous said...

The Islamists are now joining with atheist Chinese to dismember India.
With some help from our lefties and pseudo seculars they might achieve it.

Annie Zaidi said...

wrt the anonymous comment (above). LOLOL.

Dilip D'Souza said...

Islamists are now joining with atheist Chinese to dismember India.

So they've decided to send out bills for Rs 0.00?

Hmm, yeah. That will dismember India all right.

Mayuresh Gaikwad said...

You better send a cheque for Re 0.01 just to make sure :)