September 29, 2010

Here I come, or go

Blogging here has suffered a serious slowdown (yet one more time) because I've been scrambling for several days to finish some assignments before tonight, when I get on a plane. I'll be outside Detroit over the next two weeks, then in California's Bay area for a few days, before returning to Bombay in the third week of October.

There may be a discussion around my book Roadrunner in the Bay area. Watch this space. (As always, watch others too).

And I hope to get back to some kind of speed on blogging over the next few days.


Anonymous said...

Okay - just wear thin underwear and do not appear nervous while landing even if you feel excited by your favourite subjects. If you have a fire in your belly about your projects, keep it above the belt. Scratch head only if perplexed, not any other personal rotunda. And yes, do NOT say you are coming from BOMB-bay. Have a safe flight.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to your reports from outside Detroit. The Moore the merrier.

Nimesh Ved said...

Dear Mr Dsouza ... tried getting your email id and when couldn't thought of writing here .. sorry if am jarring things ... wrote on my experience with Moghiyas ... albeit of a few years ago and did read up your articles which I found very interesting and informative ... take the liberty to share it here for you to give a look should you have the time in your busy schedule .. Thanks .. Nimesh..