November 20, 2006

Man of the hour

On the front page of DNA (Sunday November 19), Ventakesan Vembu has a story about the upcoming visit to India by the Chinese Prime Minister, Hu Jintao. Called "Hu's sorrow is China's story", it begins with these sentences:
    [N]ot many may get close to [Hu]. But the few who do may discern a lingering sadness in his eyes.
On page 8 of the same paper, Venkatesan Vembu has another story about the visit of Hu. This one is called "Jintao is the man of the hour", and it begins with this sentence:
    [W]hen [Hu] steps onto the red carpet on Monday ... observers may well detect a jaunty spring in his step.
So there you have it. Hu will have both a "lingering sadness in his eyes" and "a jaunty spring in his step."

You know, I almost wish I could see the man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

<< A bit Off-topic >>
Almost like Daniel Craig the new Bond is being described as conveying 'innocence', 'cold cruelty', 'damaged vulnerability', 'freshness' etc. all at once.

Almost made me want to go see the movie to see how he pulled it off.
