September 19, 2007

Lines #17

So this time, inspired by one Pankaj dude, I took some poetic license with the words. (Though I gladly confess, he's infinitely better at such license). Enjoy.


If you dudes know the answer then please won't you say,
Will she be a homebody, or a rock-a-licious babe?
Will she bow to momma, or just warble out a "hey"?
Man oh man, me oh my ...

Tell me, oh tell me, oh how will things turn out?
This way, or that way, oh how will they turn out?
I hope it's like I want it that it all will turn out!
Man oh man, me oh my ...


Previous: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 (bananas), #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 (more bananas).


Pankaj Sethi said...

Hey Dilip, I'm flattered; and that's a great translation!

Here's my attempt at the first stanza:

Ev'ryday she tantalises me .. in my dreams,
Topsy turvy turns my head .. I jus' wanna scream,
And my brain, for no fault .. keeps gettin' creamed,
Man oh man, me oh my ...

Tell me, oh tell me, oh how will things turn out?
This way, or that way, oh how will they turn out?
I hope it's like I want it that it all will turn out!
Man oh man, me oh my ...

Prasoon said...

Impressive ;-)

I have to read more of this now..

Dilip D'Souza said...

Very good Pankaj! But I do have a suggestion: wouldn't

kaali pilli bheja sala yoon hi phadphadaye

be better translated as "my black and yellow brains are simply gettin' creamed"?

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority (see:

that it is khali pili and not kali pili...

Does it then become:
"my empty yellow brain (oh brother-in-law) simply gettin' creamed" ;)?

J. Alfred Prufrock said...



Anonymous said...

borrowing more license khaali pilli bheja sala yoon hi phadphadaye is a nice tribute to Chomsky.

colorless (or empty or plain) yellow ideas wink (or dream) furiously?

Dilip D'Souza said...

khaali pilli bheja sala yoon hi phadphadaye

Actually Pankaj, what we may really have is this:

I ate, I drank, I sent, but bro-in-law got creamed!

Pankaj Sethi said...


Why leave out "yoon hi"? Just like that?

I ate, I drank, I sent, but bro-in-law, just like that, got creamed!

Dilip D'Souza said...

Then again Pankaj, what it really might be is this:

You sent only yellow, bro-in-law, and I simply got creamed!

Maybe I was expecting red, you see.

Pankaj Sethi said...

Right on Dilip.

Or may be they meant

Empty drunk brain o' b-i-l, simply flutters on..

Anonymous said...

Dilip, Pankaj,

Usually dont comment on the lines series but have to here: am really, really enjoying these xlations!

The 2 of you should arrange some kind of remix jugalbandi. that would be fun.


Pankaj Sethi said...

Enjoying it Jai? You do have a strange sense of humour ;)